The latest Wolverine movie is out and it has already created a mini-tsunami in the box-office. For fans — new and old — it’s a chance to re-live the Wolverine experience. And you never know, perhaps another movie marathon? In view of the immense fondness that we have for this character, we have handpicked some of the most outstanding Wolverine Wallpapers of all times. Hope you enjoy them. To set the image as the wallpaper, click on the image and save it or download it as per your screen resolution.

Which One is Your Favourite?

So, which wallpaper did you pick? let us know through the comment section, will ya? Also Read: 10 creative uses for Chromecast that go beyond watching movies and TV shows

15 Outstanding Wolverine Wallpapers  All Hail Logan  - 4515 Outstanding Wolverine Wallpapers  All Hail Logan  - 2315 Outstanding Wolverine Wallpapers  All Hail Logan  - 915 Outstanding Wolverine Wallpapers  All Hail Logan  - 2415 Outstanding Wolverine Wallpapers  All Hail Logan  - 6615 Outstanding Wolverine Wallpapers  All Hail Logan  - 3315 Outstanding Wolverine Wallpapers  All Hail Logan  - 1715 Outstanding Wolverine Wallpapers  All Hail Logan  - 6915 Outstanding Wolverine Wallpapers  All Hail Logan  - 215 Outstanding Wolverine Wallpapers  All Hail Logan  - 9415 Outstanding Wolverine Wallpapers  All Hail Logan  - 7615 Outstanding Wolverine Wallpapers  All Hail Logan  - 515 Outstanding Wolverine Wallpapers  All Hail Logan  - 715 Outstanding Wolverine Wallpapers  All Hail Logan  - 9015 Outstanding Wolverine Wallpapers  All Hail Logan  - 43