Today we’ll take a look at an app that does do that. It’s a simple, free app called QuickLyric (Update: The app doesn’t seem to available on the Play Store anymore. But you can download it from F-Droid and sideload easily). If you’re the tinkering kind, check out the source on GitHub. If you’re traveling or if you live in an area without constant internet connection but you want to always have access to lyrics for all your songs, QuickLyric is the app for you.

What QuickLyric Can Do

QuickLyric is a bare-boned lyrics app for Android. Simply start playing a song on any app, as it supports every major music player. Spotify users will need to enable Broadcast mode and Poweramp users will need to enable Scrobbling. QuickLyric, being a basic app, doesn’t support in-sync lyric scroll. Meaning the lyrics won’t advance automatically along with the song, like they do with Musixmatch. But if you can get past that deficiency, you can make QuickLyric your default lyrics app. To make it usable, you’ll need to go to Settings and enable some features first. From Additional lyrics sources you can add more sources, like Bollywood, Hip Hop and more. Also, enable the option called Automatically save lyrics. This means any lyrics you search for or look up will be saved automatically. Then check Automatically refresh lyrics. So when the song changes, the lyrics do too. You can also enable Notifications for when a song changes. Just tapping the notification will take you to the lyrics.

How to Batch Download Lyrics with QuickLyric

Let’s get to the most important and frankly the simplest part. Now that you’ve enabled the right options, download lyrics for every song on your phone. From the sidebar, go to Saved Lyrics, then tap the icon in the toolbar that looks like a mix of a download and cloud icon. And select This device. The app will scan your phone and tell you how many songs you have. Depending on the number of songs, the download can take a lot of time. For me, downloading lyrics for 321 songs took around a minute. If you have 3,000 songs, this might take 5-10 minutes. So be patient. You’ll get a notification with progress details. Once the download is done, it’s done. For me, QuickLyric downloaded lyrics for most of the songs (260 out of 321). For the ones it couldn’t, I got them just by playing the song when the internet was connected, which is weird. And lastly, for outstanding cases, I was able to manually search and download lyrics. When searching manually, QuickLyric supports LyricWiki and Genius.

How Do You Listen to Music?

What’s your preferred app or service for listening to music? Do you download music or use a streaming service like Spotify or Rdio? Share with us in the comments below.

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