Released in March 2020, Call of Duty: Warzone (a spin-off of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare) bundles the battle royale formula popular with games like Apex Legends and PUBG, and gives it an interesting twist. And well, its popularity can be perceived by the sheer number of games already played. If we go by statistics, Call of Duty: Warzone has already been played by over 50 million players in just its first month. Woah! If you must know, Warzone has been released for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Windows PC. So if you are someone who wants the essence of a fast-paced lethal online battlefield to stay with them throughout, here are some cool wallpapers in HD and 4K from Call of Duty: Warzone. NOTE: To download these images, right-click on the image of your choice and click Save image as. Alternatively, use the download links below each one to get them in full resolution.

1. It’s a Warzone

Doesn’t this image give out a mean The Dark Knight Rises-vibe, when Bane addresses the crowd in Gotham? Or is it just my imagination? Well, whichever it is, this image will surely put the Call of Duty fan in you in full gear as you plan your strategies and gameplay. So, how many times have you played this awesome game? Download in the Original Resolution

2. In the Enemy Zone

Warzone has a very unusual approach to death, and it adds a tad interesting twist to the game. When your character dies, your teammates can buy it back, provided they have enough cash. And when they do it, you will soon see yourself parachuting down to the battlefield as you get ready to traverse Verdansk. Did you know that it takes about 30 kills to earn nukes? Download in the Original Resolution

3. Eagles

An exhilarating view of the Warzone map brings in a rush, no? The thrill of landing on a battlefield fresh with new resolve is something different altogether. How about adding it as a home screen on your Windows system, and customization it further? Download in the Original Resolution

4. Ghosts

This wallpaper captures the very essence of Call of Duty: Warzone — wild and crazy. So, what are the things that you look for when you search for gaming wallpapers? Is it the vibe, the characters, or the unusually great graphics that accompany most of the games these days? Download in the Original Resolution

5. Birds and Spotters

Ever since its release in April 2020, Infinity Ward, the makers behind Call of Duty: Warzone, has banned more than 70,000 players from its arena for cheating. One of the most interesting things is that the makers have not announced how they identify cheaters. Now, that’s something, right? Moreover, when players report a suspected cheater, then the developers with respond to that with a confirmation. Download in the Original Resolution

6. In the Dead of the Night

The latest game in the list of Call of Duty games has a pretty interesting trick in the sleeve. Unlike previous games, you do not have to manage your inventory. Yep, no more inventory management in the middle of the game. Instead, now you can automatically pick up ammo while in a fight. Cool, right? There’s also another neat trick. But I guess you already know about it. Download in the Original Resolution

7. The Death Lord

Let’s take a step back. Did you know that COD Modern Warfare 3 sold around 8 million copies in just its first month? Download in the Original Resolution

8. All That it Takes

Game graphics have undergone a massive change over the last decade. While previously we had to stare at pixelated images, it’s now being replaced by smooth and detailed graphics. And boy, does it add it the game experience! Download in the Original Resolution

9. The Leader

So, where do you see yourself in this wallpaper? Download in the Original Resolution

For Fun and Teamwork

Compared to its peers, Calls of Duty takes an unusual but hugely approach to its gameplay. You have got a vast map, respawning is uncomplicated, and it’s slightly easier to come by guns & assault weapons. If you remember, these were difficult to come by in previous games. And hey, did you read about the guy who nuked their enemy team single-handedly? Last but not least, if I asked you to weigh both the mobile versions of PUBG and Call of Duty, which one would you pick? Next up: PUBG Fan? Check out the following article to find the best PUBG Wall­pa­pers in FHD both for PC and phone.

Best 9 Call of Duty Warzone Wallpapers in 4K and HD - 71Best 9 Call of Duty Warzone Wallpapers in 4K and HD - 33Best 9 Call of Duty Warzone Wallpapers in 4K and HD - 1Best 9 Call of Duty Warzone Wallpapers in 4K and HD - 58Best 9 Call of Duty Warzone Wallpapers in 4K and HD - 96Best 9 Call of Duty Warzone Wallpapers in 4K and HD - 22Best 9 Call of Duty Warzone Wallpapers in 4K and HD - 40Best 9 Call of Duty Warzone Wallpapers in 4K and HD - 8Best 9 Call of Duty Warzone Wallpapers in 4K and HD - 75Best 9 Call of Duty Warzone Wallpapers in 4K and HD - 24