Everyone who has worked in office cubicles and desks knows for certain that not every day is equal. While we breeze through certain days (yo Friday, we hear you), we need a ton of motivation to make it through every single day (yes Monday, I am talking about you). The ordeal gets much worse if there’s a deadline hovering over your head. So, if you are searching for a little bit of fun while you work, here’s a set of funny and motivational desktop backgrounds that you must get.
1. Which One’s You?
I love wallpapers with a black background. The primary reason is that they are easy on the eyes and editing them is so simple. For instance, if you didn’t get the size you were looking for, all you need to do is add a strip of the same color in MS Paint. Download the wallpaper
2. Nefarious Temptations
Says a lot about the human nature, doesn’t it? Add a queue of dog and cat videos to watch, and the clock moves at 2x speed. On a more serious note, this is a sure shot way to remind you to get back to work the next time you are tempted to check out those cute cat videos. Motivation is a fire from within, they say. Download the wallpaper
3. Follow the Leader?
Ahem, just make sure that your boss doesn’t visit your desk too often! Did you know that blue color stimulates clear thoughts? Well, you know now. Download the wallpaper
4. Snail or Cheetah?
Replace the speedometer with a normal clock and well, it would pretty much replicate the run to meet deadlines. Download the wallpaper
5. Rock-paper-scissors, Anyone?
Did you know the rock–paper–scissors (RPS) game originated in China and can be traced to the early 200 BC? In the modern world, the game is so popular that RPS championships are organized every year globally. Download the wallpaper
6. The Dark Place
The common Blackbird is an omnivore, meaning that it eats both insects and plants. Native to Britain, the melodious tone of a Blackbird is apparently one of the most beautiful notes. Download the wallpaper in original resolution
7. Caped Hero
If only, right? Download the wallpaper
8. The Nerdy Equation
Yellow is the universal color for happiness and is fit for kings. And the above image fits the description to a T. Speaking of nerds and nerdy characters, which is your favorite character from The Big Bang Theory? Download the wallpaper
9. Ahem!
Simple graphics, cute creatures, and a super confusing puzzle. What is inside the egg? A two-legged cow (gross alert) or a black & white chicken? A B&W chicken would be more normal, I guess. Download the wallpaper
10. Keep Holding On
Did you know that stormtroopers in the original Star Wars trilogy were mostly left-handed? The makers changed this statistic, and the modern Star Wars movies had right-handed stormtroopers. Download the wallpaper
11. The Futurama Effect
Did you know that the in the Futurama series, the makers had to change the background alien language twice? Because the die-hard fans kept deciphering it. That’s dedication, I’d say. Download the wallpaper
Make Work Fun
Work is an integral part of our lives, and it’s imperative that we do our bit in adding the fun element. After all, a good concoction of work and play is important for healthy work life. So, how do you stay motivated and keep the fun alive at your workplace? More importantly, which wallpaper did you download first? I am all in for the Caped Hero wallpaper.